Heat-related deaths and illnesses are preventable. Despite this fact, more than 600 people in the United States are killed by extreme heat every year. The CDC has provided helpful tips, information, and resources to help you stay safe in the extreme heat this summer. Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Illness Stay Cool Stay Hydrated Stay Informed Stay Cool Wear Appropriate Clothing: Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Stay Cool Indoors: Stay in an air-conditioned place as much as possible. If your home does not have air conditioning, go to the shopping mall or public library—even a few hours spent in air conditioning can help your body stay cooler when you go back into the heat. Call your local health department to see if there are any heat-relief shelters in your area.
Pace Yourself: Cut down on exercise during the heat. If you’re not accustomed to working or exercising in a hot environment, start slowly and pick up the pace gradually. If exertion in the heat makes your heart pound and leaves you gasping for breath, STOP all activity. Get into a cool area or into the shade, and rest, especially if you become lightheaded, confused, weak, or faint. Wear Sunscreen: Sunburn affects your body’s ability to cool down and can make you dehydrated. If you must go outdoors, protect yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and by putting on sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher 30 minutes prior to going out. Continue to reapply it according to the package directions.
Stay Hydrated Drink Plenty of Fluids: Drink more fluids, regardless of how active you are. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink.
Stay Informed Check for Updates: Check your local news for extreme heat alerts and safety tips and to learn about any cooling shelters in your area. Know the Signs: Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and how to treat them (see chart below). Use a Buddy System: When working in the heat, monitor the condition of your co-workers and have someone do the same for you. Heat-induced illness can cause a person to become confused or lose consciousness. If you are 65 years of age or older, have a friend or relative call to check on you twice a day during a heat wave. If you know someone in this age group, check on them at least twice a day. Monitor Those at High Risk: Although anyone at any time can suffer from heat-related illness, some people are at greater risk than others:
For more information on this, visit CDC.GOV
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